Hey there, fellow builders of dreams and wielders of hammers! Who says the construction world is all about blueprints and bulldozers? It’s time to put down the cement mixers and pick up your smartphones, because we’re diving headfirst into the wild realm of DIY marketing for construction companies. Get ready for a journey filled with laughs, lessons, and possibly a few misplaced nails. 

Step 1: Crafting Catchy Hashtags Like a Pro (or a Procrastinator) 

You’ve mastered the art of crafting solid foundations, so hashtags should be a piece of cake, right? So, #BuildYourDreams might sound a tad generic, but hey, there’s no harm in using it in every single post, every single time, right? And why not throw in a few hashtags like #ConcreteGoals or #NailItRight for good measure? We all know how the internet loves a good pun. 

Remember, the goal is to make your audience laugh and cringe simultaneously, wondering if they stumbled upon a construction site or a comedy club. 

Step 2: Duct Tape and Dreams – Designing Graphics Like a Procrastinating Picasso 

Who needs a professional designer when you have Microsoft Paint and a vision, right? Your DIY marketing journey can’t be complete without graphics that are, let’s say, as organized as a construction site during rush hour. Remember, pixelation is a form of art too, and who needs to see things clearly anyway? 

Your logo might look like it’s been run over by a bulldozer, but hey, it’s all about embracing that rustic charm. You’re not just selling construction services; you’re selling character! 

Step 3: Backhoe vs. Blogging – Wielding Words with Authority 

You’ve spent your days mastering the art of excavators and backhoes, so why not conquer the realm of the written word too? Whip out your trusty keyboard and let those words flow like cement into a mold. Who cares if grammar takes a back seat? Your voice is all that matters. 

Your blog posts might read like a cross between a construction manual and a stand-up comedy routine, but hey, authenticity is in! Bonus points if you can turn concrete pouring into a metaphor for life advice. 

Step 4: Social Media Shake-Up – Tools and Tweets 

Social media is your oyster, and Twitter is your jackhammer. It’s time to tweet like you’ve never tweeted before. Share construction tidbits, hilarious anecdotes from the job site, and, of course, selfies with your favorite hard hat. Who wouldn’t want to see your bedhead after a long day’s work? 

Oh, and let’s not forget the obligatory Instagram posts featuring your lunch, your tools, and that one corner of the construction site that actually looks photogenic. 

Step 5: Demolishing Doubts – The DIY Video Approach 

You’ve built homes from scratch, so making videos should be a piece of plywood, right? Whip out your smartphone and start recording. Whether it’s a tutorial on demolishing walls or a heartfelt monologue about the beauty of construction, your charisma will shine through. Remember, shaky camera work adds authenticity, and unexpected interruptions by construction equipment are just comedic gold. 

Step 6: The Grand Finale – A DIY Billboard That’s Bigger Than Your Ego 

Billboards are so last century, but who cares? You’re a DIY marketing legend now, and it’s time to leave your mark on the real world. Grab some cardboard, duct tape, and paint, and create a masterpiece that’s as eye-catching as it is confusing. Bonus points if you manage to sneak in a pun about building relationships. 

Just imagine drivers trying to decipher your construction-themed hieroglyphics as they pass by. Who needs a clear message when you can have a head-scratcher that makes people ponder the mysteries of life? 

In conclusion, my construction comrades, DIY marketing for construction companies might involve less concrete and more chaos, but who says you can’t have a blast along the way? Embrace the haphazard hilarity, wield your hammers and hashtags with pride, and remember that even misplaced nails can lead to unexpected masterpieces. So, pick up your tools, both digital and physical, and let the world know that you’re not just building structures; you’re building a brand with a side of laughter. 

Of course, this is a hilarious look at do it yourself marketing for a construction company. Marketing is important to the growth of any business and finding and having the right marketing partner will make all the difference in the world to the growth of your business. 

This blog was meant to entertain and point out that hiring a professional is the way to go. You get this. How many service calls have you gotten where the home owner made the problem worse because of a YouTube video showing them how to fix the problem.  

Then they hired you and you fixed the problem quickly and correctly. Yes, it cost them more money, but it is well worth it because it solved the problem. 

If you are in need of more clients, then hiring a pro to help you increase brand awareness and get more people to know, like and trust you, then let’s talk. CLICK HERE to access my calendar and setup a consultation